Our New YouTube Channel
It might be half way through January but Happy New Year!
Ron and I have taken on doing a YouTube channel this year and I’d like to share the videos with you weekly here on the blog. Now of course, it if you would like to go and subscribe to our channel here is the link to our YouTube channel.
Rabbit and Compost Set Up at Our DIY Garden
The first video I want to share with you is called, “Rabbit and Compost Set Up at Our DIY Garden.” We show how we built our DIY rabbit enclosure and compost area And all made with reclaimed wood that was free. Here is the link to the video.
Hot News for End of Season Peppers
The next video is named, “Hot News for End of Season Peppers.” Ever wonder what to do with your peppers at the end of the season? You don’t have enough of the same kind of peppers to can them? Here is an excellent way to deal with all the odds and ends. See the entire video here.
Walking on Eggshells
The last video for this week is called, “Walking on Eggshells.” Here’s the secret to peeling farm fresh eggs plus a couple of other secrets about farm eggs. If you want to learn about those secrets the link is here.
Beneficial Bunnies for the Garden - Our DIY Homestead
[…] Now, stick with me, I’m not going to have my entire bunny in the garden… just their poo. Bunny poo is what is called a cold manure. What that means is that it can be added to the garden immediately without composting it. Most animals that have pelleted manure such as rabbits and goats can have their poo applied to the garden soil in place of other type of fertilizer as soon as it comes out of the animal. I wrote about the importance of bunnies and how to make the most of their poo. […]