In the beginning we didn’t realize what two gates would do for us or our chickens. Like I mentioned in an earlier blog, you can check it out here. We really wanted to free range our chickens however, not all of our property is fenced and every neighbor has dogs and they don’t always stay on their property and I worry about our girls becoming victims of wandering dogs. So, I talked Ron into building me a very large chicken run.
Two Gates
And this is where the two gates come into our plan. Inside of this chicken run is the beginning of our orchard. Right now, it’s six apple trees with comfrey at the bottom of a couple of the trees. (We all have to start somewhere) One gate is at the front of the orchard and the other gate is at the side of it. This allows us to drive through with a vehicle if we need to.

Happiness Is…
The chickens that are in the run are our laying hens. They are the only hens that live on the place full-time. It is important to us that they are happy and content because we don’t want to disrupt their laying eggs. And as you can see by the picture they look very happy.
If you live in the DFW area and are looking for some colorful chicken eggs you can email us or comment below for information about our egg subscription.
Behind the Scenes
Ron shot a video for us explaining the whys and hows of building the chicken yard so I hope you watch it and then thank him. It’s a lot of work trying to do the job you are working on and also shooting the video. Here’s the link.
Here is to your homesteading dreams,
