So many of us have issues dealing with our G.I. tract and what if I told you that an herbal tea can help with those issues. It can be IBS, Crohn’s Disease, or a host of other gastrointestinal issues. We don’t know why some people keep suffering with these types of diseases. What we do know is our diet has a lot to do with reoccurance. And herbal tea has been recommended to help ease these G.I. symptoms.
Check out how to make the Marshmallow Root “Gentling your G.I.” Herbal Tea Blend here.
Herbal Tea to the Rescue
I have a herbal tea called Marshmallow Root “Gentling your G.I.” Herbal Tea Blend. This tea is not a cute, little, sexy type of tea! It is serious help if you need help with gentling your G.I. tract. People who deal with G.I. issues don’t get all the nutrients that your body needs and also struggles with low energy, brain fog and many more issues. What can help fight all of these symptoms? This herbal tea.
Herbs in the Tea

This tea blend contains marshmallow root, licorice root and slippery elm bark. Each of these herbs are packed with just the right things that help gentle your body. Marshmallow root helps your digestive health by soothing and coating your gut. Slippery elm bark helps reduce acid reflux and sore throats along with digestive problems. The licorice root helps nourish your body as well as adds some sweetness and flavor to the tea.
To Steep or Not to Steep
Another important thing to mention about this tea is the need to steep. The longer it steeps the more powerful it is for helping to heal your gut. It is recommended from 5-30 minutes. Come out in the mornings, make your tea, then go back in and get ready for your day. When you come out your tea may be ready for you.
I hope this tea will be beneficial to you. We have it all packaged up and ready. Click here to be taken directly to the Marshmallow Root “Gentling your G.I.” Herbal Tea Blend.
Here is to your next cup of tea,