Tag: carrots

Benefits of a Fall Garden

Lack of Heat & Bugs in the Fall Garden The benefits of a fall garden for one is the lack of bugs and heat. In North Texas both are an extreme problem during the summer. With the hundred degree weather right now and most of my summer garden dead...

Carrots, Carrots, Carrots!

Today we talk about How to harvest #carrots from the garden, the best way to store carrots and a couple of carrot recipe ideas...

A Garden Tour in January?

It’s hard to think that in January there is enough going on in the garden to have a tour. However, you just might be in for a surprise! Come along for the garden tour. Inside Tour To tour my garden we did have to start inside. There are seeds...

CPR Facts for the Garden

Earlier this spring we planted what we call our CPR garden which has carrots, peas and radishes in it. We have really enjoyed it and are already enjoying radishes out of it, the peas are growing and I am actually seeing carrots this year which I have not had...

Carrots – My Story

Carrots, it seems one of the most common vegetables out there. But I have never been able to grow them. So this spring I set out to try to grow that little orange veggie. I did some research on YouTube and found a guy that really seemed to know...