Peppermint is the gateway herb
It is said that chickens are the gateway animal for people in neighborhoods to homesteaders on acres of land. And I believe that is true and we can also say the same about peppermint and how it is the gateway herb. It is easy to grow and there are many things you can do with this herb from protecting your home and garden from bugs and insects to using it in the kitchen.
Starting Peppermint

It is easy at the time of this writing to get peppermint seeds and it is also easy to start the seeds and grow them up to nice plants. I start my seeds inside in late winter and by early Spring they are ready to go outside. Now I’ll give you a tip, peppermint will spread and so it you don’t want it to take over you garden plant it in a container. I have it in several containers through out the garden.
TIP: Peppermint will spread and so it you don’t want it to take over you garden plant it in a container.
Peppermint and Chickens
I also plan on putting it out in the chicken coop. Peppermint provides different vitamins and minerals, it is good for their digestion as well.

Peppermint and Pests
To most humans peppermint smells wonderful however bugs and inscents don’t share the same feeling. If you are having problems with pests in your home bring in a peppermint plant. Your unwelcome pest guests will leave. If having a plant in your home doesn’t work you. Peppermint oil on some cotton balls and tuck around your home will work as well. Outside you can spread your peppermint plants around your garden. This is very important if you are trying to run an organic garden and not using chemicals.
Peppermint and the Kitchen
So, we have taken care of the chickens and the garden pests now here is how we can use peppermint in the kitchen.
Fresh Peppermint
Using fresh peppermint in fruit salads and curry dishes is delicious and a great way to use up some of your peppermint. If you do a Google search you will find many great recipes using this delicious herb.
Dry Peppermint

I love all peppermint in my opinion it is hard to go wrong with this herb. However, my favorite way to use peppermint from my garden is to dry it and use it in herbal teas. You can make iced teas or hot teas with peppermint. During the summer there is always a quart of iced peppermint tea in the fridge. It is easy to make! I fill a tea bag with dry peppermint tea ingredients put it in the pitcher that is full of hot water. Leave it on the counter overnight. In the morning pull the tea bag out, sweeten if wanted, pour over a glass full of ice and enjoy!
Harvesting Peppermint - Our DIY Homestead
[…] This is the week of our gateway herb, peppermint. In our last blog we talked about the different ways to use peppermint. You can find that blog here. […]