With the weather finally breaking out of the freezing range it was time for Ron to work on our outside hydroponic set up! He put the frame together and put the chicken wire around it last time he worked on it. Today, he decided to put down some fabric cloth and cover it with wood chips. There were two reasons for doing this. One – to help suppress weeds inside of the system. Two – to help with leveling things out.
If you want to watch how Ron did this you can follow along on the video here.
Weeds & Leveling
Suppressing the weeds is pretty easy to understand. Here in North Texas the weeds can grow up as tall as your head or no grass or weeds at all. Just depends on the season. The leveling need is understandable as well. Since we don’t plan on scraping the ground down to be level the wood chips will be used for that. There will be totes inside that will need to have corners raised or lowered. Chips will work great for that. You can see what the end goal will look like by checking out this blog.

There aren’t that many steps to getting this set up and ready for seedlings. But, Ron is working a full time job and the bad weather we are having at this time. However, the next step will be getting the totes in the enclosure. Getting them cut to hold the water and setting up the grow tanks.
What to Grow in Our Outside Hydroponic System
I’m so excited about getting this up and going. I’ve already got some plants ready for the system. But, tell me what would you plant in a hydroponic system? I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas. How, to use the space to it’s full potential. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Here is to your homesteading dreams,