Smells, isn’t it funny how they can bring memories rushing back. That is what happened to me this week as I was working on making some vanilla extract and mint extract. The wonderfully strong vanilla smell brought back memories of past Christmas baking.
Vanilla Extract
Sourcing for Vanilla Extract

I ordered my Madagascar vanilla beans from Amazon. For a pack of 10 it was $24.99. This might seem expensive upfront however; the good news is you can reuse the beans so you will get your money’s worth from them.
Vodka is the next thing you will need. As you go shopping for it just remember that you don’t need the most expensive brand. Vodka is just the vehicle used to hydrate and coax the vanilla flavoring.

Creating Vanilla Extract
Cut the vanilla bean lengthways just opening it up. Leave the vanilla alone and put it into your storage container. For me it was a pint jar with a plastic lid. I also use other glass jars as long as they are around a pint size container.
Storage for Vanilla Extract
Now put your jars in the back of your cabinets for the next 3-6 months even up to one year.
Seems pretty simple doesn’t it.
Mint Extract
Sourcing for Mint Extract

Mint extract isn’t as expensive to start if you have some mint growing in your garden. Trim it up and fill a container. I had enough to fill a quart jar. Again any glass container will work for this.
Creating Mint Extract
Fill the jars with the mint leaves. Here is a hint I use a variety of mint so don’t worry too much about what kind of mint to use. Then pour vodka over the leaves and cap it.
Storage for Mint Extract

Now put your jars in the back of your cabinets for the next month then take out the mint and you can put the extract in smaller jars or leave it in the jars you started it in. Make sure to strain it before you use it.
As you have seen making the extracts is pretty simple. I hope you step out and try making some.
Here is a video link talking about the extracts.