Chickens and Eggs

You might be wondering why I’m talking about water glassing eggs right now. It’s late fall and most chickens are in the molting stage; where they are losing old feathers and growing new. The sun is going down and there isn’t as much daylight as what we had during the spring and summer. Both are reasons that chickens slow down or stop laying eggs.
What’s A Girl To Do?

Well, at our house the eggs are coming in faster then I can use them. So we have set up a business selling eggs. I also decided to start learning new ways to preserve the eggs.
If you live in the DFW area and are looking for some colorful chicken eggs you can email us or comment below for information about our egg subscription.
Lime and Water

I knew we needed to do something and I had heard about using lime to preserve eggs but hadn’t looked into it very deeply. Then Ron came home one day telling me he had heard about water glassing eggs and how that was suppose to preserve the eggs for up to a couple of years.
So here is a YouTube video showing you how I water glassed some of our over abundance of eggs. Please, take a look and like the video. We would really appreciate it if you would subscribe to our channel as well.
Here is to your homesteading dreams,
P.S. By the way here is a video for you if you need some ideas on what to do with your egg shells.