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Every One Needs A Job

Every one needs a job, what a great philosophy! It is especially true for the small scale homesteader which is exactly what we are. Ron and I work hard and we decided that anything that came to Our DIY Homestead had to do that as well. We moved here about a year ago, here is a look at the place in the beginning. A lot was done inside and now we are turning our eyes to the outside and getting ready to move some animals on the homestead. We have had a couple batches of meat chickens and have laying hens now. I really want an emu! I just can’t find a job for him so we all know that we won’t be getting one…

The Beginnings

Ron has set up a beginning composting pen. Nothing like what we had at the other house but it will get build up. We bought a dog kennel and that is where the chickens are now. Ron built a nice coop for them as well. The hens started laying a couple of months ago. It’s so much fun. I ordered a batch of colorful egg layers So, we get green eggs, blue eggs and brown.

Chicken Yard

The chicken yard we have is nice just small and doesn’t give the chickens much room to roam. We are leery about letting them free range outside of the yard they have now because we haven’t fenced in the entire property yet and every neighbor has a dog or two. We have decided to build a large chicken yard that we can split in two when needed one side for the laying hens.

The rest of the new yard will be for our market chickens. They come and go through the year and while they are here they need space, lots and lots of space. We will put up a temporary fence between the market chickens and the laying hens. While we have both this is a great fix!

Market Chickens

Take A Look

We invite you to take a look at our YouTube page. Ron shot a quick video talking about and showing you the back acre and how the yard will be set up. Please like the videos and subscribe so you can watch as we go forward with our homestead work.

Here is to your homesteading dreams,



2 thoughts on “Every One Needs A Job

  • The Tale of Two Gates Leading to the Chickens - Our DIY Homestead
    December 14, 2023 at 10:18 am

    […] realize what two gates would do for us or our chickens. Like I mentioned in an earlier blog, you can check it out here. We really wanted to free range our chickens however, not all of our property is fenced and every […]

  • Converting IBC Totes Into Hydroponic Beds - Our DIY Homestead
    February 5, 2025 at 12:32 pm

    […] Using the IBC totes the way we plan to has a couple of benefits to it. Once the bottom of the toe gets filled up with water it is a closed loop system so we don’t have to worry about watering the garden. It does it automatically. And when the hot summer North Texas sun hits that will be a benefit! Also, we haven’t talked a lot about it but it will be an easy way to turn our hydroponic system into an aquaponic system by adding fish. Which as you know we only add one new animal a year and I’m hoping this is the year for fish. […]

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