Earlier this spring we planted what we call our CPR garden which has carrots, peas and radishes in it. We have really enjoyed it and are already enjoying radishes out of it, the peas are growing and I am actually seeing carrots this year which I have not had much luck with in the past.
So, I thought I would share some fun facts about carrots, peas and radishes.
Carrot Facts

Romans and ancient Greeks believed carrots to be an aphrodisiac.
Carrots were not orange until the Dutch worked to cultivate the strain for the ruling House of Orange.
Earlier versions of colors for carrots where white, purple, red, yellow, green or black.
Carrots were first grown as a medicine not a food.
The first cultivated carrot first appeared in Britain in the 1400’s.
Cultivated carrots originated in Afghanistan.
Pea Facts

Peas are best grown in late spring.
The world’s largest producer of peas is India
Only 5% of peas produced are sold fresh
The pea is thought to have originated from Middle Asia
Peas are very high in fiber and very low in fat and calories.
Peas are green because they are harvested when not fully mature
Daily usage of peas can help prevent stomach cancer.
Peas are anti-aging, gives strong immune system and high energy.
Radish Facts

Radishes are edible root vegetable.
The radish is a member of the brassicaceae family; its cousins are broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and turnip.
The origins of radishes are most likely China.
There are hundreds of varieties of radishes grown worldwide.
Radishes are easy and fast to grown.
Half a cup of sliced radishes is only 10 calories. They are a good source of Vitamin C.
The most common use for raw radishes is in a salad.
Daikon is another type of elongated radish, most famously used in Japanese cuisine, where it is pickled, dried, grated and used in stir fry.
Which is your favorite vegetable out of the CPR bed?