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Lemon Balm “Sweet Sleep” Tea

Lemon balm “sweet sleep” tea is the answer to what a lot of people are looking for! With the crazy winter weather we are having this year a lot of people have been ill. It is hard to rest when you are battling the flu with sore throats that brings on coughing and sneezing. Your

Time to Start Veggies for Hydroponic System

It’s hard to believe that it’s time to start veggies for the hydroponic system. After all, I’m in North Texas and we are getting hit with so much cold, snowy weather. Which makes it difficult to get the hydroponic system set up outside. And I know my northern friends have an even longer wait. I

Tea That Tames Your Sore Throat

Today, I’m going to be telling you about a tea that tames your sore throat. This is important because with the type of weather most of the United States is experiencing with the warm weather and then the plunges of cold in between, it makes me think we are on a weather roller coaster. With

The Magic of Peppermint Tea

On these cold, blustery days nothing warms a person up better then a hot cup of peppermint tea. The magic of the tea comes from the many ways it helps your body mentally and physically without the tea drinker even being aware of it. After learning what a cup of this tea does for you,
cantaloupe & watermelon patch

Benefits of a Fall Garden

Lack of Heat & Bugs in the Fall Garden The benefits of a fall garden for one is the lack of bugs and heat. In North Texas both are an extreme problem during the summer. With the hundred degree weather right now and most of my summer garden dead I am looking forward to cooler

Carrots, Carrots, Carrots!

Today we talk about How to harvest #carrots from the garden, the best way to store carrots and a couple of carrot recipe ideas

Water Problem in the Grow Room

Water problems in the grow room. How we saw the problem and because it is an easy DIY fix for most homeowners we fixed the problem and now have water in the grow room.

The Story of a Seed

This is the story of a seed. How it sprouts up to be a seedling and then into a grown plant.

The Best DIY Soil Sifter

Our first #soil sifter. If you are tired of dealing with large particles in your soil this little #DIY soil sifter is the answer. We use it for creating a more beneficial seed starting soil. I'm sure we will use it in the #garden more this summer for a multitude of reasons. Just remember it doesn't have to be big nor expensive.

Learning About the Chicken Chores

Learning about the chicken chores, it’s funny how 14 cute little chickens can take up so much time and attention. That is exactly what our hens are doing with Ron and I. They are close to the house, maybe to close but I can enjoy them from the living room window so I’m ok with