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Category: hydroponics

Converting IBC Totes Into Hydroponic Beds

This week Ron is converting IBC totes into hydroponic beds. It is very exciting because I can actually see the physical part of the structure up. See the totes being cut into the different sections of the hydroponic beds. How they are going to be placed in the structure and how to get the garden

Outside Hydroponic Set Up

With the weather finally breaking out of the freezing range it was time for Ron to work on our outside hydroponic set up! He put the frame together and put the chicken wire around it last time he worked on it. Today, he decided to put down some fabric cloth and cover it with wood

Time to Start Veggies for Hydroponic System

It’s hard to believe that it’s time to start veggies for the hydroponic system. After all, I’m in North Texas and we are getting hit with so much cold, snowy weather. Which makes it difficult to get the hydroponic system set up outside. And I know my northern friends have an even longer wait. I

Adding a Hydroponic Garden

This week we are adding a hydroponic garden in the grow room. I’m excited about it for several reasons! Fresh garden salad veggies in the middle of winter. Knowing were the end product comes from is becoming more important with the outbreak of the different diseases being reported. Affordability of my salad fixings; lettuce, herbs,

Hydroponics – Our Pet Project

It might seem as if we were quiet on the blog this past week but I assure you that while you might not have seen much from us we were very busy behind the scenes. We were writing content, shooting videos and if you watch carefully you will even see our little Chihuahua, Chi made

Do You Keep A Garden Journal?

It’s a simple one subject notebook that sits on the end of a table I have in my grow room. Right now, it’s pretty bear in that room. I haven’t been in there lately because all of the plants are outside. Today, as I walked by I spied my garden journal and realized I hadn’t

Our First Hydroponic System

We have been thinking about different ways to grow fruits and vegetables. Beside planting them in the dirt and were very interested in hydroponics which uses water. There are many benefits to growing using a hydroponic system.  You can literally grow anywhere you have space, a hydroponic system uses 20 time less water than if
lettuce from hydroponics

Weather & Gardening

Weather Phenomenon… If you have been paying attention to the weather over the last few years you are aware of the weather issues that the United States has endured. One coast floods and the other coast has forest fires with the Midwest farmers facing problems feeding their livestock and planting crops. You might ask yourself