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Category: Herbs

Tulsi “Anxiety Buster” Tea Blend

The Tulsi “Anxiety Buster” Tea Blend contains three herbs; tulsi, rose hips, and peppermint. They work together to bring relief from stress and tension. These herbs help fight the doldrums and the anxiety that can build up inside of us. I know I feel it especially during winter, going through the cold. It seems to bring on

Chamomile “Allergy Buster” Tea Blend

The Chamomile “Allergy Buster” tea blend has 8 different herbs selected to work together to protect and help your body to fight against the allergy season! If you are a person who suffers from allergies this tea will help give your body a fighting chance to guard against the allergy symptoms such as: sneezing, itchy

Lemon Balm “Sweet Sleep” Tea

Lemon balm “sweet sleep” tea is the answer to what a lot of people are looking for! With the crazy winter weather we are having this year a lot of people have been ill. It is hard to rest when you are battling the flu with sore throats that brings on coughing and sneezing. Your

Herbal Cold Medicine Ball Tea

The herbal cold medicine ball tea consists of 3 herbs. These aren’t just any herbs, these are powerhouse herbs that will work with your body and fight against viral, bacterial infections that many of us face during this time of year. So, if your nose is sore from blowing it, your tired, and ran down

The Magic of Peppermint Tea

On these cold, blustery days nothing warms a person up better then a hot cup of peppermint tea. The magic of the tea comes from the many ways it helps your body mentally and physically without the tea drinker even being aware of it. After learning what a cup of this tea does for you,
Peppermint bed

Harvesting Peppermint

This is the week of our gateway herb, peppermint. In our last blog we talked about the different ways to use peppermint. You can find that blog here. Today I’m going to share with you a video I did about harvesting that peppermint. How to bring it in and prepare it for dehydrating and then
Peppermint bed


Peppermint is the gateway herb It is said that chickens are the gateway animal for people in neighborhoods to homesteaders on acres of land. And I believe that is true and we can also say the same about peppermint and how it is the gateway herb. It is easy to grow and there are many

Making Mint and Vanilla Extracts

Smells, isn’t it funny how they can bring memories rushing back. That is what happened to me this week as I was working on making some vanilla extract and mint extract. The wonderfully strong vanilla smell brought back memories of past Christmas baking. Vanilla Extract Sourcing for Vanilla Extract I ordered my Madagascar vanilla beans