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Category: gardening

Positive Side of Covid-19

Wow, I don’t know about you but this Covid-19 seems to be banging on my door trying to demand my attention, trying to scare me and to take my calm away and hold it hostage. I don’t know if you are feeling it too but I know that a lot of my neighbors and friends

Being Prepared In the Garden

Last year Ron and I decided we wanted to do a big garden and wanted to learn different ways of growing food. This was way before the coronavirus was heard of here in the United States but there were other factors that have happened to make us think this way. Weather Phenomenon & Gardening Conversation

Our First Hydroponic System

We have been thinking about different ways to grow fruits and vegetables. Beside planting them in the dirt and were very interested in hydroponics which uses water. There are many benefits to growing using a hydroponic system.  You can literally grow anywhere you have space, a hydroponic system uses 20 time less water than if

Do You Have An Herb Garden?

Having an herb garden has always been a dream of mine however; gardening has always meant veggies in my mind. I have been doing vegetable gardening for most of my life. In the Beginning I grew up on a cattle ranch in Montana and we had a very large garden there. I did not enjoy

How Old is an Old Seed?

So I had some old Italian Flat leaf Parsley and Genovese Basil herb seeds sitting around and I wanted to try them in our hydroponic system to see if see if I could get them to germinate. I waited two weeks and saw nothing so into the trash bin they went but it started me
lettuce from hydroponics

Weather & Gardening

Weather Phenomenon… If you have been paying attention to the weather over the last few years you are aware of the weather issues that the United States has endured. One coast floods and the other coast has forest fires with the Midwest farmers facing problems feeding their livestock and planting crops. You might ask yourself