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What Is Happening On The Homestead Blog

The Dream of a Seed

For those of us in Northern Hemisphere most of us are thinking of winter gardens with a dream of a seed in our heads. That is where it all begins! What can we grow with a shorter amount of daylight and with winter improaching upon us. For me that means a lot of root veggies

Beneficial Bunnies for the Garden

Most of the time when one thinks of bunnies in the garden it is more with dread then with benefit. After all, the cute little creatures might of just nibbled on your beautiful garden veggies. There is even the chance of finding cute little baby bunnies hidden under your mulch while mommy is out grazing
cantaloupe & watermelon patch

Benefits of a Fall Garden

Lack of Heat & Bugs in the Fall Garden The benefits of a fall garden for one is the lack of bugs and heat. In North Texas both are an extreme problem during the summer. With the hundred degree weather right now and most of my summer garden dead I am looking forward to cooler

Let’s Make Healthy Homemade Dog Food

Hey friend, do you have dogs? Yeah, me too. Actually, I’ve got three… three chihuahuas. For years I bought dog food started out with dry and then we started buying refrigerated dog food with meat and veggies. The dogs liked that food but it is expensive! That got me to wondering if I could make

Doing Mid-Summer Morning Chores

I thought you all might like to go along with Ron and do the morning chores on this hot summer day. We have chores down to pretty good system. Ron still works a full-time job so systems are needed here on the homestead. Right now our animals are easy to care for and we are

Carrots, Carrots, Carrots!

Today we talk about How to harvest #carrots from the garden, the best way to store carrots and a couple of carrot recipe ideas

Water Problem in the Grow Room

Water problems in the grow room. How we saw the problem and because it is an easy DIY fix for most homeowners we fixed the problem and now have water in the grow room.

Gardening With Less Water

Book review of gardening with less water, low-tech, low cost techniques, use up to 90% less water in your garden.

The Story of a Seed

This is the story of a seed. How it sprouts up to be a seedling and then into a grown plant.