Last year Ron and I decided we wanted to do a big garden and wanted to learn different ways of growing food. This was way before the coronavirus was heard of here in the United States but there were other factors that have happened to make us think this way.
Weather Phenomenon & Gardening Conversation Article
So, early January we set up a grow room in our guest bedroom. I started some onion seeds I have never planted onion seeds before, always bought the onion slips. But, I have onions growing that I started from seed! Ron built a small hydroponic system and we have been growing and eating different lettuce products from all winter long. I have about 24 cabbage, 24 cauliflower and 18 broccoli plants that we started in hydroponic Kratky systems.
The First Steps into Hydroponics Can Be Seen Here

As much fun as hydroponics is I still love digging in the dirt so I started seeds… a lot of seeds. Back in January and February it didn’t seem like much plus there is no guarantee on what seeds will make it and what won’t.
Well, our grow room is full!

I have tables that go around all four walls, grow lights above the tables, grow lights under the tables. I have heat mats for the sprouting table. I went crazy! To date there a 6 zucchini, 4 cucumbers, 50 tomatoes and 50+ peppers, 10 corn, 5 watermelon, 6 cantaloupe, 7 sunflowers, 20 garlic, about a dozen different herbs that I’m trying for the first time.
Plus we planted a CPR Bed that you can read about here.

Did I mention there are only two of us in this household?
But guess what, I will be eating fresh fruits and veggies and canning and freezing the rest of the things coming out of our gardens. When more viruses or weather phenomenons come and believe me there will be more… I won’t be panic stricken and frenzy buying worried about what are we going to eat because the stores are all sold out of everything. And I don’t want you to experience that either. That is why we created Our DIY Garden we can help you build and create systems to keep your family feed. Click on the sign up to the right and become a part of Our DIY Garden family.