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Author: DiyGarden

Welcome to Our YouTube Channel

Our New YouTube Channel It might be half way through January but Happy New Year! Ron and I have taken on doing a YouTube channel this year and I’d like to share the videos with you weekly here on the blog. Now of course, it if you would like to go and subscribe to our

End of Season Tomatoes…Do This

If you are a gardener you probably have the same issues with end of the season tomatoes that I do. They ripen one by one and the green ones are threatened with frost so you pick them and then they end up sitting on the counter forgotten and go bad. Click here is how we

Hydroponics – Our Pet Project

It might seem as if we were quiet on the blog this past week but I assure you that while you might not have seen much from us we were very busy behind the scenes. We were writing content, shooting videos and if you watch carefully you will even see our little Chihuahua, Chi made

Transplanting the Wild and Leggy Brassicas

Sprouting Seeds I finally got my hands in soil today! It has been a long time since I got my fingers dirty transplanting seedlings so I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Last week I did a video that talked about the need to get your garden seeds and sprouting them. The reason I sprout seeds is because

A Garden Tour in January?

It’s hard to think that in January there is enough going on in the garden to have a tour. However, you just might be in for a surprise! Come along for the garden tour. Inside Tour To tour my garden we did have to start inside. There are seeds germinating and starting their life. Deck

Welcome to the 2021 Garden

Springtime Garden Are you already starting to think about your springtime garden? Me too! I’m sharing what we are working on in the video.

Making Mint and Vanilla Extracts

Smells, isn’t it funny how they can bring memories rushing back. That is what happened to me this week as I was working on making some vanilla extract and mint extract. The wonderfully strong vanilla smell brought back memories of past Christmas baking. Vanilla Extract Sourcing for Vanilla Extract I ordered my Madagascar vanilla beans

Worm Farming for the Garden

It has been a busy and crazy gardening season here. I hope that you have had good luck with your garden as well! This has been the first full garden we have had since I got sick three years ago so it has taken a lot out of me to keep up with the garden

Do You Keep A Garden Journal?

It’s a simple one subject notebook that sits on the end of a table I have in my grow room. Right now, it’s pretty bear in that room. I haven’t been in there lately because all of the plants are outside. Today, as I walked by I spied my garden journal and realized I hadn’t

Garden Tour May 2020

Hi guys, we have been very busy with the garden. I’ve been drying herbs such as basil and lemon balm. And I’m learning how to ferment foods such as carrots and kimchi. So, I haven’t forgotten about you and I promise I will be writing up a blog about all of the different adventures! Today,