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Author: DiyGarden

egg mobile

The First OG Egg Mobile

We have a group of hens that lay beautiful colored eggs, from green, blue, and different colors of brown. Lately, our girls are laying more eggs then what we can eat. I’ve done a lot to store eggs such as water glassing them, I make hard boiled eggs, make egg sandwiches, the list goes on
Canning suger

Oh Sugar! Guide to Canning Sugar

On our last grocery haul it was time for us to go stock up on the sugar. I like to have a stockpile on consumables such as flour and sugar. There are many reasons for stocking up on these kitchen necessities. One, you have the items when you need them. Two, this is a financial

Learning About the Chicken Chores

Learning about the chicken chores, it’s funny how 14 cute little chickens can take up so much time and attention. That is exactly what our hens are doing with Ron and I. They are close to the house, maybe to close but I can enjoy them from the living room window so I’m ok with

Adding Aloe Vera to the Chicken Yard

I have a project that we are working toward setting up in the Spring. Setting up a food forest for our chickens. Planting grains and seeds in their yard. We also have some of our orchard in the yard, it will offer shade to the other plants plus the chickens. I want other greens such

The Tale of Two Gates Leading to the Chickens

In the beginning we didn’t realize what two gates would do for us or our chickens. Like I mentioned in an earlier blog, you can check it out here. We really wanted to free range our chickens however, not all of our property is fenced and every neighbor has dogs and they don’t always stay
Water glassing eggs

Learning How To Water Glass Eggs

Chickens and Eggs You might be wondering why I’m talking about water glassing eggs right now. It’s late fall and most chickens are in the molting stage; where they are losing old feathers and growing new. The sun is going down and there isn’t as much daylight as what we had during the spring and

Every One Needs A Job

Every one needs a job, what a great philosophy! It is especially true for the small scale homesteader which is exactly what we are. Ron and I work hard and we decided that anything that came to Our DIY Homestead had to do that as well. We moved here about a year ago, here is
Peppermint bed

Harvesting Peppermint

This is the week of our gateway herb, peppermint. In our last blog we talked about the different ways to use peppermint. You can find that blog here. Today I’m going to share with you a video I did about harvesting that peppermint. How to bring it in and prepare it for dehydrating and then
Peppermint bed


Peppermint is the gateway herb It is said that chickens are the gateway animal for people in neighborhoods to homesteaders on acres of land. And I believe that is true and we can also say the same about peppermint and how it is the gateway herb. It is easy to grow and there are many
New beginnings

New Beginnings

New beginnings in 2023 bring to me a new home, new garden, and new animals. It could be the best thing that happens to me or the worse.