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Author: DiyGarden

Herbal Cold Medicine Ball Tea

The herbal cold medicine ball tea consists of 3 herbs. These aren’t just any herbs, these are powerhouse herbs that will work with your body and fight against viral, bacterial infections that many of us face during this time of year. So, if your nose is sore from blowing it, your tired, and ran down

Time to Start Veggies for Hydroponic System

It’s hard to believe that it’s time to start veggies for the hydroponic system. After all, I’m in North Texas and we are getting hit with so much cold, snowy weather. Which makes it difficult to get the hydroponic system set up outside. And I know my northern friends have an even longer wait. I

Tea That Tames Your Sore Throat

Today, I’m going to be telling you about a tea that tames your sore throat. This is important because with the type of weather most of the United States is experiencing with the warm weather and then the plunges of cold in between, it makes me think we are on a weather roller coaster. With

Doing Chores In The Snow

It’s not often that we are doing chores in the snow but this last week in North Texas found us doing just that. Since we have been here for a few years we did have almost everything we needed so the animals weren’t affected that much… besides the chickens pouting in their coop because they

The Magic of Peppermint Tea

On these cold, blustery days nothing warms a person up better then a hot cup of peppermint tea. The magic of the tea comes from the many ways it helps your body mentally and physically without the tea drinker even being aware of it. After learning what a cup of this tea does for you,

Adding a Hydroponic Garden

This week we are adding a hydroponic garden in the grow room. I’m excited about it for several reasons! Fresh garden salad veggies in the middle of winter. Knowing were the end product comes from is becoming more important with the outbreak of the different diseases being reported. Affordability of my salad fixings; lettuce, herbs,

Chicks, Chicks, Market Chicks

There really isn’t anything cuter then baby chicks in my opinion. About 5 weeks ago we got 30 cute little fluffy, yellow, chirping chicks delivered to our house. Now, fall isn’t the normal time for most people to get chicks because of the cold season approaching. However, we are not most people! We live in

Market Chick Brooder Installation

We had market chicks coming which was a good thing since I’ve been out of chicken for a couple of months. But… there was another problem, where were we going to put them? In case you don’t know there are companies that sell chicks and send them out all over the United States through the

The Dream of a Seed

For those of us in Northern Hemisphere most of us are thinking of winter gardens with a dream of a seed in our heads. That is where it all begins! What can we grow with a shorter amount of daylight and with winter improaching upon us. For me that means a lot of root veggies

Beneficial Bunnies for the Garden

Most of the time when one thinks of bunnies in the garden it is more with dread then with benefit. After all, the cute little creatures might of just nibbled on your beautiful garden veggies. There is even the chance of finding cute little baby bunnies hidden under your mulch while mommy is out grazing