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Author: DiyGarden

The Herbal Tea That Heals Your G.I. Tract

So many of us have issues dealing with our G.I. tract and what if I told you that an herbal tea can help with those issues. It can be IBS, Crohn’s Disease, or a host of other gastrointestinal issues. We don’t know why some people keep suffering with these types of diseases. What we do

Treats for the Chickens

If you are an avid reader of the blog you probably know how much we love our chickens. There is something so soothing in listening to them cluck and call in the backyard. I often joke with Ron that we should set up lawn chairs in the back and charge people for the opportunity to

Tulsi “Anxiety Buster” Tea Blend

The Tulsi “Anxiety Buster” Tea Blend contains three herbs; tulsi, rose hips, and peppermint. They work together to bring relief from stress and tension. These herbs help fight the doldrums and the anxiety that can build up inside of us. I know I feel it especially during winter, going through the cold. It seems to bring on

Making Winter Watering Chores Easier

Being in north Texas we don’t have to worry about cold temps to often but when we do Ron has found a way of making winter watering chores easier. Making sure animals have access to water is so important. They do not care if the temps are low and it’s cold outside. They need and

Chamomile “Allergy Buster” Tea Blend

The Chamomile “Allergy Buster” tea blend has 8 different herbs selected to work together to protect and help your body to fight against the allergy season! If you are a person who suffers from allergies this tea will help give your body a fighting chance to guard against the allergy symptoms such as: sneezing, itchy

Amending New Garden Area With Rabbit Manure

Are you adding a new garden area or just looking to improve the soil in your existing garden spot? We are adding another garden area and looking for ways to amend the soil. One of the things we use is animal waste, mostly rabbit and chicken manure. We work hard to use chemical free fertilizers

Rose “Heartache Healer” Loose Leaf Tea Blend

This week we are talking about the Rose “Heartache Healer” Loose Leaf Tea Blend. I’m really excited about this tea because it’s February, the month of love and nothing makes me think about love more then the heart and roses! In fact, it is putting me in the mood of offering to you a sale

Converting IBC Totes Into Hydroponic Beds

This week Ron is converting IBC totes into hydroponic beds. It is very exciting because I can actually see the physical part of the structure up. See the totes being cut into the different sections of the hydroponic beds. How they are going to be placed in the structure and how to get the garden

Lemon Balm “Sweet Sleep” Tea

Lemon balm “sweet sleep” tea is the answer to what a lot of people are looking for! With the crazy winter weather we are having this year a lot of people have been ill. It is hard to rest when you are battling the flu with sore throats that brings on coughing and sneezing. Your

Outside Hydroponic Set Up

With the weather finally breaking out of the freezing range it was time for Ron to work on our outside hydroponic set up! He put the frame together and put the chicken wire around it last time he worked on it. Today, he decided to put down some fabric cloth and cover it with wood